Sunday, March 23, 2014


Doo-na-tay. It means 'Miracle' in biblical Greek (delta upsilon nu tau eta). My beautiful friend Angela helped me with the translation, since I had focused on knowing my counseling classes and readings, and she took the language classes!! This is serving as a permanent reminder on my harder days that He is still here, He has done great and mighty things in my life and even in spite of me, and as Isaiah 41:10 promises- "He will strengthen and help me, He upholds me by His right hand". When I get deeply engrossed in a pain vortex, I forget. If I'm honest, It's not just my lack of a 100% brain & memory anymore that cannot recall all that He has done for me, but simply my fallen and broken humanity. I would have been a great Israelite. I didn't even need the stroke and the 2 brain surgeries to blame for my grumbling and questioning. But with ALLLLL of the health questions that have arose since 2/25/2009 with no answers yet, I've needed something physical to cling to when I get hit with more doubts, lies, and discouragements. Most days if I'm being honest, it's exhausting keeping a smile on my face when I haven't slept well and my head is throbbing. I'm also realizing that attempting to always be 'the strong one' is one of my false selves, but I'm trying to live a different way than I'm used to for 33 years. But if I was to go back to bed every time I had pain... I would probably never get out. This tattoo was my 5th anniversary present to myself. On those hard days of pain, when Satan just continues to throw crap my direction, I needed something to help remind me of His promises.

It's a great conversation starter too, for people who want to know what these hieroglyphics on my wrist are. So now I get to tell them what it means, and maybe a little of what he has done in me. I've never known how to bring up the fact that He's done some pretty cool stuff in my life, but now I have something to bridge that conversation with people. He is so good. He's been a miracle worker, and it's very humbling to be one of His miracles that He literally put back together again. That's more than reason enough to celebrate and sing His praises :)

Amy Christine