Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thoughts on the Anniversary

I say it every year on my "Anniversary" now... I never wanted this anniversary, nor do I know how to even talk about it. Happy, um, "God choose to intervene in some crazy ways through the ordinary and I'm now part of the Walking Miracle Club" day?? I realize that we all of some crazy stories of how God has interrupted the usual and made things APPARENT that He is actually the One in charge and our thoughts are WAY too small of Him & what He can do... But I've seen a LOT of that in my 35 years of life now, and I'm excited to be a living testimony of some of the things He is more than able to do now.

The ways that things "lined up" that day 7 years ago just CAN'T be coincidence. And now I certainly want to live up to the 2nd chance at life I've been given. I get beyond discouraged with myself now whenever I encounter a "set-back", like a headache or something along those lines so that I can't "DO" something important... as if that's all that God has wanted this 2nd chance at breath to be about. I've never been one who is graceful with myself but try to be someone who extends it willingly and abundantly to others, probably to a fault. Having grace with myself, especially for any "setback" to not achieve it all and instantly at that, well, that's something I'm still learning. Maybe because I "haven't gotten it" is part of the reason that I'm still bewildering Medical staff and get the most "random" aliments that confuse even specialists in the field. Now 7+ years later, I take pride in the fact that my body didn't play by the rules. That God chose me to "show off" within. That you "can't tell" that my brain exploded 7 years ago. That I'm different now. That God chose me. That STILL floors me- that God looked at my life and somehow thought that there was something He wanted to do through me and that He needed to intervene to do so. I pray that I will live intentionally and thoughtfully now with the breath that I've been given, extending love and His grace to those that I meet, even if at first it needs to be given to me as my first assignment. May I love well.

The very random thoughts of Amy Christine