Sunday, June 5, 2011

Colorado bucket list

So, I'm intentional and a planner. When I've taken the Myer's-Briggs Personality Inventory, I always come out as a strong "J", which also means planner (my father even types up his to-do list. It's genetic.) Anyways, so I've mentioned a few times that there are places west of the Mississippi that I have to see, especially while I am a resident of this fabulous state. I have my friends Allison, Angela, and Dan to thank for some the contributions to this list being Colorado Natives ;) Here are some of the items on the list (and I love that in most of the places I want to go visit, I have a friend or two there as well, so it becomes a double whamie, seeing a fun place and catching up with great people too!) :

- White water rafting (I've been before, but absolutely love it!)
- Red Rocks Concert (I went there for Easter Service this year, but still want to experience a concert yet)
- Steamboat Springs to visit my friend Julie
- Grand Junction to see my childhood friend Elizabeth
- Sand Dunes (apparently with a metal sled)
- Mesa Verde
- Royal Gorge
- Alpine Slide at Heritage Square
- Jack Quinn Pub in Colorado Springs on a Thursday night to hear Irish songs
- Hike a 14'eer
- Lakeside amusement park
- Wildflower hike (Crested Butte or Aspen)
- Sherpa House in Golden
- Moab, Utah
- Jackson Hole & Cheyenne, Wyoming
- San Juan Skyway Drive with Danny
- Cave of the Winds
- Waterton Canyon
- Manitou Springs
- Camping (tent and all, think I'm going in July maybe to South Dakota)
- Black Canyon of the Gunnison and the Gunnison Valley (my roommate Meg is from Gunnison and says it's picturesque and I must go with her to see it!)
- International evenings of dance in Vail
- Botanical Gardens (I've posted a few pictures and it is gorgeous and I'm planning on going there many more times!)
- Denver Zoo

So there is some of the list and is is by no means exhaustive or finished. I think I may have a special color of highlighter for my calendar of things for this list, but either way, I'm excited to get started on getting to see these sights and experience these things! YAY for good times with great people ahead! :)
Amy Christine


  1. 1. we have the same middle name. we were meant to be friends. ;)
    2. I want to hang out with you before you leave the wild west
    3. ....we should totally do one of the things on your list. or add to it.
    okay? okay.

  2. you should add to your list visiting Oregon and seeing/climbing/hiking the volcanoes out here :). You have a place to stay anytime!
