Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stinking health Insurance

I was going to post about how much I have been LOVING going on outing's with former Craig Hospital outpatients simply because it's one less thing I would have to explain (by the way... 2.5 years ago, my brain exploded and that's why I'm different now). I'm just accepted for that- I've been to South Dakota camping and white water rafting with them and I've LOVED it.

However, the last day or so has been devastating to me. I'm still pretty much living off of Social Security Disability checks each month, and a few miscellaneous cleaning jobs as well. The hosting job at the country club hasn't been as fulfilling (pay wise or with my time) for me to make ends meet. This month I am automatically enrolled in Medicare because of SSDI, but the process couldn't be more confusing. I met with one of my social workers today at the hospital and bawled through our appointment together. The government has made sure that Medicare is the most confusing process out there, and for those of us living off of SSDI checks with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) it's even better. There's part A and B (Hospital and Doctors), which I am automatically enrolled for, part C which I am not but need to enroll in a Medigap policy, and then part D (Drug Coverage), which I found a policy that I liked and seemed to cover most of my medications but the policy alone would be like $70 a month and then about $117 for my monthly medications. But the policy I liked I found out was simply drug coverage and not medical, so I need to keep looking- great news! :( My social worker gave me the contact information for a guy who handles Medicare for a living so I'm hoping he has more news, because right now, things seem really hopeless! So for something I didn't even choose to have happen to me a few years ago has forever altered how I see the world and relate to it, I can't just go without health coverage; would be denied any other coverage because the stroke is considered pre-existing; I can't stay with Cobra because it was crappy, will only cover me for so long, and didn't cover much and was just something I was using until Medicare kicked in and was expensive; and don't want to just stay with original medicare because having to pay the 20% of my doctors visits and the cost of my medication would be way too ridiculous... so I seem out of options at this point. So I just cried with Victor this afternoon because I don't see any solutions to this crisis (which I guess is the definition of a crisis after all). If you have options that I'm not thinking of, let me know, but at this point, I seem out of ideas besides finding a sugar daddy (which still hasn't arrived) or getting a job with health coverage to escape all of these woes... And that's my thoughts as of right now, pretty much just centered around what to do about my health coverage until I get a real job. So leave me your thoughts that I haven't thought of, and thanks for continuing to follow along with my progress and recovery!
Amy Christine

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