Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Child Life =)

I think I have found what I want to do "when I grow up" (yes, mind you, I am 31 now, and have a masters degree... details). I went in for a tour of the Child Life Department at Riley Hospital for Children in Downtown Indianapolis yesterday, and have been smiling ever since. I loved it. Ever since I was in school and getting my masters degree and first heard about being a child life specialist- I thought "This would be a super job for me"... being able to see it firsthand yesterday sealed the deal for me. When a child gets a diagnosis and has to be in the hospital long-term for something, say, cancer, they need someone to help "normalize" the events in the hospital for them and distract them from all procedures as well. The Child Life Specialist brought her iPad and played music for patients, did a few crafts with them, and would help explain things as best as she knew how to the families. It was one of those surreal days yesterday where I found myself united with this dream of knowing that this is what I wanted to do someday, and kept beaming from ear to ear about it. Unfortunately, there aren't any openings right now at the hospital for it as an assistant, and to get into the actual Child Life department, I would have to wait until the fall to do an internship and then also sit for another exam. But I contacted the people I did the visit with, and I can volunteer in the department now, and that is at least an in for now, so it's a start! I am all about any opportunity that gets me closer to these dreams now!

I am reading this wonderful book called "Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist, and I've so been challenged by a quote from it. "It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard, she said, is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things that you really care about" (p.54) What am I willing to give up? What am I willing to sacrifice? What are good things that I still might have to lay down because they are not the best? That's a super hard question, and it does not have any easy answer. I'm still pondering that myself, and thankfully I have a few wise people in my life that also ask me some hard questions and I'm alone some in the car right now commuting to places to interview or volunteer that I have time to reflect on these things. I think I need to intentially make space around me to have the time to reflect on what is going on- writing in my journal, praying, or simply talking to a friend on the phone that I love. I need those things to fill up my bucket, otherwise I run on empty and I am no good for anyone around me, which I hate. For now, life is somewhat quieting down, which I say hesitantly, almost not wanting to speak it and acknowledge it, for fear that it might not last... Sure, I know it won't last long once I have full-time employment soon, but for now, I am relishing the quietness of it all, between volunteering, making time for the sweet family I live with, my wonderful house church and getting to know them each better, and plug in more at my church. They are wonderful things around me here in Indianapolis, and I just need to be on the look out for the blessings in my every day life and to be ready to see what God is doing. It is my attitude and perspective that changes where I am going to go, and to God be the glory. Amen and Amen.
Amy Christine

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