Sunday, July 14, 2013

Still needed...

So, this move to Denver has me un-nerved again. My very pragmatic friends are freaking out with my details still TBD (and honestly, it's hard to continue to resist going to those depths too). I've learned in the last 1.5 years of living in Indianapolis that GOD DOES PROVIDE. Even in the midst of "How is ____ going to come together?" Um, it has and it does, regardless of how it might feel. Or look. Or... doubts, worries, and my own weaknesses have lurked around every corner and every decision here. I know for many, they can't comprehend how or why I'm giving up trying... when my response is that I can't continue to live in this intense physical pain and depression that manifests itself physically and can't be treated with medication(s). I've tried. It didn't work. And going to a place where I don't feel some of the pains as intensely with many doors opening for me- I need to try it again. Most of my details still need to come together.

I have a roommate, but we're still looking for a place together (in the DU area of town likely).
I need transportation (I learned how to use the public transportation while I lived there before, and though it adds like an extra hour or two on to where you are going, it's probably the option I'm going with at first).
I need a job. I've applied and several places seem promising, but nothing has come together yet.
I'm not sure how I'm getting out there or even when. Most likely flying the middle of August and shipping my stuff separately.
I don't have a church yet that I'm going to go to. This is one of my biggest desires and I know God will provide a great family for me to plug into, but I just don't know where exactly yet.

So, the decision has been made- I'm moving. But living where, how I'm getting there, transportation around, where I'm working and worshiping... all of that still needs to come together. I still have plenty of social connections in the Denver area, and though they have changed with time, I'm excited to return and live life with them once again. I really wanted that here in Indy, but I could never get past the traumas that happened to me here to allow God to connect me with people to make this feel like home. That breaks my heart because I wanted it here.

So, if you have any connections for me- transportation, job(s), housing, churches... any of those details, could you pass them on please? Being on the edge of this cliff is un-nerving but I also know & trust that God will provide. And that's one thing I'm soliciting the help of my web friends to help me in this process of moving again. Love you all!! :)

Amy Christine

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