Monday, January 6, 2014

The Art of Being a Healing Presence

"We are human. By opening to your humanness and accepting it, you allow others the safety of being human in your presence" (p. 24) My prayer is that by accepting my own limitations and admitting to my own faults and speaking of what past tense happened to me, this will allow others this freedom too. This book was an amazing read, one that I would encourage just about anyone to read! What an awesome and thought-provoking book!

This may just be one of the best books I've ever read. It expressed so much of what I already knew to be true in my heart. It's something that I've WANTED to be for others, for the times I've had it personally have forever changed me. That's why I went into ministry. That's why I went into counseling. I've learned to love sitting with others through whatever it is- sheer ecstasy, intense grief and pains, immense confusion, the dreaded "why" questions that life throws all of our ways... It's become one of my favorite things to be a part of that for others, even when it looks like just "silence". It's not rocket science, but the art of really listening to others is often anything but. I've learned that it is a very skillful art, often with burdens and trials yourself as the greatest teachers. As hurried Americans (myself included), "we often don't make time" because we just want others to get over it already. Move along. I feel uncomfortable with your grief or not having the answers to "fix you". I shudder thinking of the times that I've heard these things, said these things, or personally been too busy to help someone else by being a Healing presence for them...

"The Art of Being a Healing Presence" said so much truth in a very short read. It wasn't even half of my flight back home to Denver and I had it finished, I wrote this entry on the place yesterday because of how much it energized me to be this presence for others. I now have validation for desiring to do this and be this presence for others. I'm feeling my soul exhale. Anyone who knows my story over the last few years knows that I've had this unwavering assurance and faith to know that GOD IS AND WILL CONTINUE TO USE THESE CRAPPY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR GOOD. For me. For others. For who I'm growing into being. That's not a fortune cookie saying, but a deep assurance that these things will be made right. Just the transformation in my own life to become more of a listener and not assume on the first hear, but to rather just walk ALONGSIDE had been amazing. Living the life of a miraculous survivor, I have the privilege of knowing some pretty amazing & inspiring other survivors. In 2 very different arenas where people have lost their ability to trust and feel beyond powerless, crushed under the weight of being a victim, I've gotten the privilege to walk alongside and figure it out together. I don't have the answers, but I can help point you to the One who does. While my cheese is falling off my own cracker, I've needed people who were further along in their own journey to remind me that there really was light at the end of this very dark abyss.

I'm far enough out from my stroke (time wise) now that I can speak with assurance to others who are enduring something medically to know that it's true and stand in the gap of belief for them as they doubt. I'm getting there with my assaults. I hear from other survivors that may take years. After feeling it with my stoke, I know to believe them, and each day gets a little easier. Being away from Indy and continuing counseling for my assault have both helped immensely. Is everything rosy yet? By no means! But it does my own soul so much good to see healing in others. To watch their bondage fall off. To pray for lasting, healing changes and see it happen. To know, if even in just some small way, I helped to usher that healing in for them. Staying involved in ministries and support groups has allowed me to be present with others that are currently hurting. I was telling a friend earlier tonight on the phone that I've spent far too many years almost hiding who I really was, with paralyzing fear that I would be rejected. No more. I want my 33rd yar to be filled with confidence. Assurance. Faith. The knowledge of knowing that there is light at the end of the current abyss, and holding that for whom I'm walking with, in no hurry to arrive at some sort of destination. This book was almost permission to continue what I know in my heart to be true.

Amy Christine

The Art of Being a Healing Presence
James e Miller & Susan c. Cutshall

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