Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trying to stay positive...

I had a really bad migraine this week on my chocolate challenge day. It was the same day that we ended up switching my medicine, and I was challenging chocolate, and with my vacation coming up next Friday- there was A LOT going on so I can't pinpoint it on any "one" thing in particular. My doctor said if I took Maxalt (which is what I take a migraine) my heart might race on that medicine. I had taken something similar before, so I wasn't too worried. I took one before I went to bed that night, and sure enough, my heart started racing. Since we still don't know why I had the stroke or I'm getting Migraine headaches, I went and woke up Doug upstairs. I felt horrible about it, but wanted to check it out to put myself & my family at ease. I went to the ER, and my EKG came back within normal range, but it was still scary. The ER late at night is never pleasant. They gave my an IV and some migraine medication, which certainly dulled it's activity, but it came back late last night. It's days like this where it is hard for me to remain positive. No answers, no direction, saved for an unknown purpose and having to trust that He knows what He's doing. I just wish he would give me or the doctors some sort of glimpse. My mom said it best- I've never been a patient person, so this whole thing is a hands-on lesson in patience.

I have so many things going on- between the stroke, daily headaches, school, the unknown possibilty of going to the Mayo clinic, going to be moving again soon- there's just a lot on my plate and nothing that I can really get rid of. I thought about things with my counselor, Jolene, and my best friend Tara, and as long as I don't get back to the point of overloading my plate like I used to (which I have great friends and family to tell when when I look too busy), I should be OK with my stress level in this season. I hope that it eventually gets better once school is over with! Just learning to balance- and graduate school seems to be a great time to do so!

Also, with driving again, I've realized that speeding and road rage aren't really a big deal for me. When people cut me off or speed by me- I just let them and write them imaginary tickets in my head, like my friend Phil. Having a near-death experience personally puts things into perspective for me. It's just not worth it- I've already had my second chance and I wouldn't want to use this one up by trying to pass someone. Getting someplace 5 minutes earlier isn't a big enough deal to me to be reckless on the roads.

And those are my random thoughts for today! Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for continuing to follow along! :) I leave for vacation this comin Friday! YEA!

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