Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wise thoughts from Carol

Today was hard. I'll be honest- today SUCKED. I saw a woman at my internship, and had a heads up to what situation she had gotten herself into, and thought to myself at supervision "well, sucks to be the counselor who get's to walk with her to make that decision" ... and three hours later, I was sitting across from that very woman. I think if I hadn't had the heads up, I would be curled up in the fetal position right now without words. I'm learning and being stretched SO MUCH. Carol (our financial director at my internship) shared some wisdom with me today. She talked about one of her favorite books by Jim May called "Living at His Place", which explains his main premise as Jesus WANTS and invites us to be involved in the messy-ness of other people's lives. He wants to go to the group on Tuesday and is inviting me to go along and be present for him. That calmed me down a lot. There's nothing I can do in my own power or strength but be present and love them, and communicate that God loves them and does not have judgment or shame for their choice or decision years ago. Powerful stuff. I'm about to be elbow deep in their drama, and I'm OK with that. I'm about to be the only one who hasn't experienced what they're going through, although my own grief and losses have made me the woman I am today, so I can still be present with them in their aches. Still processing how I can be present with them through it, but I'm loving the process of praying and getting ready for Tuesday. Deep breaths and Lot's of prayers. And that's where my thoughts are tonight :)
Amy Christine

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