Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thoughts on a random Thursday

Life is funny. I got to catch up with a friend over coffee today and it was really good to see her- we used to be lead counselors together at a camp back in MI and then I went and cleaned. It's great that I'm cleaning houses now- it's a way I can clear my head while I clean and listen to music. I need space where I can just be me- and that's a place that seems to work for now, which is much needed.

I listened to a sermon in my car and I'm going to use his thoughts when I go on a mini-retreat to the mountains at the DH cabin next week. Steve Mulhern's thoughts were "Why has the Lord brought you here". There's so many ways I could go with that thought, but maybe in my time away the Lord will give me an answer to that question. He also said to put down my books and just wait on the Lord, and I was going to read my Bible, journal and read a book called "Getting Past Your Past" by Susan Wilkinson. It's been on my shelf for several years, but I think I may glean from it now new thoughts that I may have not learned a few years ago. I think Steve's message was just what I needed before I head into Spring Break and do this retreat next week.

I've tried different avenues of getting ahold of people around here, and I'm starting to take their silence personally. I'm trying not to be too pushy or demanding, and I realize I don't have even a part-time job right now- but even if you can't talk- just send me a text back and tell me that! It's quickly becoming one of my pet peeves. Why even have a phone or an email if you're never going to use it?

I took my only mid-term exam yesterday, and although I didn't do as well as I had hoped, my speech therapist thinks that I did great and there was A LOT of info to cover! I think from the stroke I've changed the mentality of "I have to get all A's" because that's probably not going to happen anymore, and that has to be OK now. I'm letting that go- slowly.

I have three internship interviews set up in the next few weeks, and although they're with very different populations, I think I will have something unique to contribute to the internship site and learn from each ! I have an interview with a pregnancy center, a place that helps families coming out of homelessness, and a grief center for Children who have lost someone special in their lives. I'd like to start in July and go through when I graduate next year! I should know where I'm going to be an intern in s few weeks!

This last weekend's migraine freaked me out, and I talked with the house manager (Mary Lu), and although I love this community and it's been so supportive in this season, she's been very understanding with me wanting to put my health first. I'm either going to take a single room here that's more secluded, or I've had a few friends offer for me to live with them. I know I moved here to be surrounded by people, but I need to put my health first. Lot's of praying for clarity in the next few days!

Amy Christine
That's most of what's going on right now!


  1. hi amy-
    thanks for sharing your thoughts! :) the decision to talk w/mary lu is good. you are making so many decisions, ones you have to think through b/c of the intricacy and self-advocacy required of you right now; decisions that used to be based on what you wanted or what just seemed best. your wisdom comes shining through this all and the retreat sounds great- just what you need.

    anytime you want some company, think of us. we'd love to have you over or pay a visit. if you are free on saturday morning, come see the chaos- niles and marc will be demo-ing our place. yikes. (not sure i want to see it myself.) :)

  2. I can totally understand the people not responding to e-mails and phone calls; I find that extremely annoying. Let me know what I can do to help in finding a space for you where you can do what you need to do. Also, anything I can do as a friend, I'm here.
