Monday, March 1, 2010

Manic Mondays

As I've said before... everything seems to take me more time now. While my mom was out here a few weeks ago, she asked me why, and I couldn't "pin-point" a reason. It seems that my brain just takes more time in reading, comprehending, writing papers- pretty much everything I do in graduate school. I'll still have a year and a half left, but I've slowed it down and I'm only going to take about 6 or 7 credits a semester. I feel as though I've been given a second chance at life and the government is paying for my school now, so I really want to apply myself and learn this information while I'm here. I got up early to take my roommate to work (she got in a car accident a few weeks ago so is without a car- so I know how that feels!) and woke up with a migraine as well. It was supposed to be my study day, but instead, I just took it easy on my reading assignments, worked on my resume for class and an internship prospect, and tried to nurse my head back to health. My friend Sheri (who also suffers from debilitating migraines) said she woke up with a migraine today as well, so maybe it was just a mixture of the early morning and Sheri said a front is coming in. I'm almost back to the point of pain that I was at before the stroke, and my neurologist's office is currently fighting with my insurance to get them to pay for botox, which would really help my head. We've done every test under the sun, so I don't know what else we could possibly try besides a head transplant. Do they even do that? I'd be willing to try at this point!

It feels like everything in my life is in flux- I'm getting used to having a roommate again (and we have totally opposite schedules), being back in school but constantly feeling behind and trying to be OK with that, going back to therapy and having to admit that I "don't have it all figured out", going to counseling to try and work on me, being without a job and living off the government, and just being OK with the constant state of changes that are going on around me. I took the Myers-Briggs test a few weeks ago, and now I'm a ESFJ (I used to be an ENFJ), and my professor told me that the "J" actually has more to do with my need for order and to-do lists. So that's it! I'm not too judgmental or rigid after all (well, according to the test). I just keep sighing and going "Oh, LIFE!". I have no idea what lays ahead, but I'm willing and ready to learn!
Amy Christine

1 comment:

  1. Amy~ I was watching The Today Show awhile back and they had a celebrity (can't remember which one) who needs botox for her migraines. She said if she doesn't have it she can barely function. I hope it works out for you b/c she said life is great since she's gotten it.

    Love you! Jess :)
