Thursday, October 21, 2010

Post-Graduation plans are still up in the air, and I'm becoming more and more OK with that. It was a saying of mine pre-stroke, "It is what it is" seems to capture most of my feelings towards many things lately. I went to the graduation ceremony for my friends in May and I hate to be the center of attention, even if I've done something that others think is praise worthy. I already know that my wedding day is going to be hard because of that aisle- I think I'll just elope if that ever happens? So I had resolved after going to that graduation ceremony that I wasn't going to walk at graduation when it happens in May. The more I've thought about it and how HARD graduate school has been for me, especially since the doctors said I would never go back after my stroke, I'm thinking that it might actually be a good celebration for me. A "I told you I would be able to do this" moment. I'll send the pictures to all the doctors who said it could never be done. They didn't know how determined and stubborn I was. Graduate school wasn't just "Hey, I'm bored, let's do this school thing"- it has become my LIFE over the past 4 years. So as much as I will hate being in the lime light, I know it's not all about me, but I'm beginning to think that celebrating in that way might be ok for that day. So I'm more open to it now. I think that goes with my acceptance theme that has entered my life in the past few months. So come May I might be doing that graduation gown thing, or at least I'm more open to the idea now. We'll see come May!
Amy Christine

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I think you should walk in May. What a great celebration of your accomplishment and what you can do when you are dependent upon God for strength, focus, and courage. You deserve that will be a great reminder of a milestone in your life :).
