Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Relearning compassion

I have a friend at Seminary who is also going though some difficult times with her own health. As she explained her trials to me this afternoon, I couldn't help but think of where I've been with all of the testing, medicines, new doctors, poking and prodding, and how much I have had to depend upon the faithfulness of others when that is definitely NOT one of my strengths, especially pre-stroke. I think part of the reason that might have happened to me last year was so that I could learn to depend on others and ask for help gracefully because I didn't have any other choice. Very simple and common place things that we take for granted every day- talking, walking, eating, rides to places, doctors visits and money... the list goes on and on and on. Case in point- I wouldn't be here today without the strength and support of others. Asking for help is incredibly hard for both of us, but I've seen others respond to my own needs, and I felt as though God was asking me to be generous in return. This isn't by any means a "Oh, look how generous I was" kind of post, but simply an encouragement to her of "Yes, I get it that things suck. But working together, maybe we can find a way to provide for you while your circumstances suck right now. That's called the body of Christ". Praying for you honey, and for God to be real to you in this time of uncertainty, testing, waiting, and the unknowns. He will continue to be faithful. I've seen that for my own life, so I'm going to believe it for you too right now while you don't have the strength to believe it for yourself.

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