Wednesday, September 14, 2011

REMEMBER that time when?

This is a huge blog entry. It may not seem like a big deal to many, but when you live with as many quirks as I do now, little milestones each day are a big deal and cause for celebration. I still have to write everything down. I probably always will have to. That's part of my TBI and part of my "J" personality, for better or for worse. It is what it is. So I've written things down two days in a row and then lost the list. Incredibly frustrating to someone who pretty much depends on those lists to be her brain when her brain turns to Swiss Cheese or mush. However, and HUGE praise, I REMEMBERED what was on the lists yesterday when I went to the grocery store anyway. Butter, Brown Sugar, and Flour. Not a huge grocery list and not a lot to remember, but for someone who only a few months ago who couldn't remember what I had had for breakfast, to walk to the back of the store and get what I needed, I felt elated. What a natural high when the things that I thought were totally gone return?

I've been going up to Craig Hospital to volunteer, and to be able to walk through the halls and remember, "oh, that's Jim" or whoever, is so stinking awesome. That wasn't a very high point in my life, and something I don't try to remember often. There's no real reason to do so. But remembering the people who made my recovery possible to have made to to where I am today... that's stinking awesome. I like that part. I think volunteering back at Craig is great for me to not only get experience with the medical side of things like I want for my life now, but it's really good for me to get to see a different side of things other than the patients vantage point. It's been really good for me to get out of the little box that I had myself in, and even people with "disabilities" in... It's been a great experience for the last several weeks and precisely what I want to do but paid in Indianapolis when I move in a few weeks. I'll be on the look out for this kind of position- I know God will open up the doors to use me if He's put this in my heart! Thanks for continuing to follow along! :)
Amy Christine

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