Thursday, February 3, 2011

Only School

So it seems that God is trying to get me to just focus on school right now. I don't use my drivers license since the seizure, and probably won't be able to do so until April at the soonest. I only have one class on Campus this semester. Today was my last day at group supervision for my internship, so today was my last "required" day for Alternatives. They have been SO GRACIOUS to me to not come in anymore and just take care of me and my health. Hate it since I have just gotten comfortable with crisis counseling, but know that it is for the best right now too.

From today until Graduation May 14th, I have 100 days. I'm keeping "visible" track, so I can stay focused since I've had "senioritis" since May of last year when I was "supposed" to be done in the original plan when I started graduate school. So no more internship. No driving and having to beg for rides everywhere or having other people pick things up when they are out. God has pretty much eliminated everything from my life but school. I know what I'll be doing for the next 100 days. Books, books, and more books. You would think this would make me a disciplined student, but NO. I've been rebelling big time. REALLY good at procrastination. My friend Blake here in our community says that we would be PhD's if Procrastination was a subject you could study. So what do I do with all of this time that I should be studying? Watch Hulu, of course ;) Getting caught up with my TV boyfriend, Chuck. That's going to help me pass COMPS on the 26th of this month! Freaking out about that test and pretending it's not coming by playing the part of an ostrich... if I just hide my head in the sand, maybe it'll just go away? Probably not, but a girl can hope, right? This would be a great time for Jesus to come back... just saying!
Amy Christine

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