Sunday, January 30, 2011

1000 Thank You's

In this very humbling season of life, I have to ask lot's of people for help. That's something that doesn't come easy to me, at all. I love to give encouragement notes to people, but I'm quickly realizing that I can't thank people enough for all that they are doing for me... rides, meals, prayers, help in and with classes, budgeting help with finances, Vocational Rehab for paying for my classes, books and tuition now, the amazing grace extended to me by the staff at Alternatives to take one thing off of my plate and not have to come into the office anymore even though I love the work and what they do there... pretty much, this is the body of Christ in action. Maybe I needed the stroke and the seizure to stop all of my fussing and being so independent and start relying on other people for things, things that I have so easily started to take for granted again. I think I just continue to hear "Lean on me for everything, and I will provide" That's freaking scary. I'm really independent. I've been doing a Daniel (Partial) fast with my church for the last two weeks, and mainly gave up sweets and meats. I continued to hear "I will provide for you this year" when I would seek God in my times of learning to come to him in new ways. The discipline was good for me. I needed it. What I also need to do is start studying and preparing for COMPS on February 26th. Most of my classmates are "reviewing" everything that they have learned in the last 2-3 years. Me? I'm having to re-learn everything. 24 days to learn developmental theories, professional ethics, statistics, and integration of counseling and theology. Most of my classmates are completely overwhelmed, and although I'm scared, I also have a strange sense of peace. Maybe it's just the "well, it's not here yet... so don't be worried" side of me coming out, or Tony (our Dean of students) words this week ringing in my ears "Give it your best shot, but don't let this one test be your determining factor of how far you've come in the last two years". This is a weird place for me right now, and I get that. The next 104 days (I bought marbles yesterday and will be removing one each day until May 14th to visually get myself through until then) are going to be rough. There is a LOT expected of me, and a lot that I expect from myself too. And maybe that's why I need this community all the more right now. I can't do this alone. I think that's part of God's plan in showing me his provisions of people, to come around me and help me get to the finish line. I just want to hear those words "Well done, my good and faithful servant". Amen.
Amy Christine

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