Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Seminary student with a stroke

To keep her anonymous, I won't tell you her name, but found out through a friend that another Seminary student just suffered from a stroke yesterday morning. Reading her story on her husbands blog has made 1000's of memories of my hard work from the last two years come flooding back. Hearing the horror stories of all of that her family is going through is bringing way too much back of my own story. All I've been able to do all night is cry. Just pray for her. I've had way too many close calls over the past two years to not be grateful for where God has brought me, and now I want that to be passed on to others too. So pray for her and her grieving family and friends that are watching her fight for her life at this moment. You're in my prayers. I have nothing else to say but been right where you and and know all too well what you need right now.
Amy Christine

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Amy, for bringing this to people's attention. I'll be praying for her. As you know, this is serious stuff.
