Friday, September 3, 2010

I still get emotional

Twice in the past 24 hours, I've been in conversations that have left me almost in tears. Ok, I'll admit it, I cried with the one later on my way home and cried with my professor today for the second one. Turns out I still get really emotional when telling my story. The past 18 months have been so trying, and for seemingly little point or purpose. Every day just leaves me with more questions. I can't give up hope because I've come too far, but my present circumstances leave me at a loss. "Why?" just has a new meaning now. I was in my statistics class today (with the same professor I had 18 months ago when I had the stroke), and I just bawled after class with him as he asked me to explain what had happened and how I'm different now from it. Turns out my Training and Mentoring contract from last semester (learning how to tell my story without it becoming a "bombshell" to myself or the person I was telling) is still a work in progress. I feel like my thoughts are always scattered and even my conversations... so I'm learning what it truly means to have grace with myself in it all. And those are my thoughts for tonight.
Amy Christine

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