Thursday, September 30, 2010

I want a Chrisitan Cowboy

It's decided. After the Darius Rucker concert this last weekend (and yes, I DID buy those tickets for one of the opening bands- and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!) it's now official: I want myself a cowboy who loves Jesus. Not a boy who just wears a cowboy hat to "look cool" or line dances because it's in or something, but a real cowboy. Not a cowboy who just goes to church because he has to. Someone who's not afraid to be a man. Someone who is genuine and authentic. A man who's not afraid or intimidated to ask me out, hold my hand, share his emotions (yes, men do in fact have them), and challenge me to keep growing. I think those men are hard to find now a days, and most of them are wonderful and happily married to some of my best friends, and I love them for that- for treating my girlfriends like the princesses that they are! But I can't help but express that I want that for myself someday. I think I'm on the journey to find myself and maybe that someone else as well right now. As I search out what makes me who I am while I finish graduate school, I feel like that is a piece that God is stirring in my heart along the way. It honestly scares me to death, but learning how to Trust God has not been easy by any means, so add this to the ever-growing list of things that make me uncomfortable, but God simply asks me to "trust" along the way. That freaks me out. But that kind of man has been on my heart for years, and seemed to be articulated well at that concert for some reason. So I'm going to keep praying for him. I know there will be flaws in him just as there are with me (and Lord, Love him for accepting me and all my broken-pieces as well!) and he wont "complete me" or be my "savior"... but I just want someone to walk like with. Do the day's routine with, travel alongside, and challenge each other in some way. I had no idea what was going to happen to me a year and a half ago, so I'm sure this vision will be morphed and changed along the way. For right now, I just want a cowboy who has a heart for Him. Right now, that's the only image I have. And I'll let God design the rest.
Amy Christine


  1. I know it takes a lot of faith to hope and pray for what you want the most! I will join you in hoping and praying for this for you! Love you!
