Thursday, September 2, 2010

Isn't that like what my grandpa might have?

I went for a walk last night with a friend that I've really only known in passing. It had been a long hard day with lots of frustrating news, and I didn't know how my of my past he knew, which he needed to know in order to understand why the day had sucked. So I just came out and said it. I've gotten used to people who haven't known my story not being able to tell that anything is "different" about me, because outwardly, I look "normal" (and what is normal anyway? I digress...). His reaction was sort of interesting. "A Stroke? Like what my grandpa might have?" Yes. And the medical field still has no idea why. Or why my headaches disappeared for awhile and then came back with a vengeance. I know outwardly I "look" fine, but cognitively and my memory and everything I have had to fight to gain back... that has been super hard. As I was telling him a little about the past 18 months, I had to fight back tears. It's so hard for me to admit how difficult the last 18 months have been, especially spiritually. To go 18 months without hearing from the Lord when I used to know Him so intimately... So hard for me, and hard for me to admit to him too. Maybe my view on "normal" is really the thing that I need to change my view on after all.

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging Amy! I want to hear more of your story...

    BTW, love the new profile pic
