Saturday, November 6, 2010


We've been doing a series at the Downing House on Gratitude, and though I'm being tutored for Statistics when it goes on, it has made me reflective of the things that I am grateful for. Last year's events have changed me and my outlook, so I don't think I could not be so now. Here are some of the things that I am grateful for in life right now:

-My Downing House Community. I love living in community. I can be social when I want, and then come home and shut my door and write a paper (like I should be doing now...) It really is a great balance for me in this season of life. Each of their personalities, passions, and encouragement mean so much to me. They have helped me heal more than they will ever know or words could even describe.

-My internship. I love being there with the women in crisis. Granted, it's not a glamorous job, but to see these women wrestle with really hard decisions is beautiful. I feel honored and blessed to walk alongside of them during this time. I am learning so much- professionally and personally.

-Being almost done with school. 4 years ago, I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into. I just knew Denver Seminary had a good reputation. Apparently, there was something more for me to learn in the midst of it all. Even my "elective" classes that I have taken "just for me to learn and grow" have been used already to aid my friends who are hurting and healing in this time. But to be looking at the finish line finally in May... wow. I've worked really, really hard at this.

-Independence. I have my independence back. People who knew me before the stroke knew that I was very independent, almost to my on detriment. Part of the stroke broke that within me and MADE ME depend on others, and I learned that I need others to do things. Having my license fully back without restrictions has given me my freedom back, but I can do things in a balanced way now. I can go to the store when I want and not have to depend on someone else to get me there. That's beautiful. But I've realized the importance of being in a community and letting others help you out, even when it's hard for me to accept it or I'd rather do it on my own.

-Not working right now. Although my SSDI checks are barely enough to survive on, I am thankful that I don't have to work right now and can just focus on finishing school. It's a blessing to be living in poverty, because I can really focus on what is important to me right now- finishing school. Never thought I would be able to say that, but I can and I am.

-Support, even if it's very spread out around the country and comes at random times. People and relationships have always meant a lot to me, but even more so since last February.

-Random blessings. I sometimes get to babysit for the Athertons, and I joke with Brianna and Aaron that their son Chase is my boyfriend since he's precious and is one of the many reasons that I am still here. He will never know what his birth has allowed. If it wasn't for the kindness of relationships with key people from the stroke, I wouldn't be the person that I am today without them.

-Cleaning and Baking. I had no idea how therapeutic these two tasks were to me, but they have become incredibly forces for me in the last two years. They are times that I can think, be creative, cry, provide for others, and heal. Who knew. They have helped me to be able to process so many things by myself, and I am incredibly grateful for the provision of time to process and think in the midst of everything right now.

-Groups to process things in. One of the many beautiful things within my program at Seminary is the ability to "process" things within various groups, and sometimes I almost feel "over-processed". I have a group supervision- which is my peers who are doing internship as well that we can talk about the things that our clients have brought up in us as therapists. My Training and Mentoring group is a few other students that come together to talk about our learning contracts and what we are learning from them. Those women are beautiful. Every Thursday our community gets together for breakfast, and every other Sunday for dinner. We just share what is going on in our lives with each other and get to lift each other up. Every Tuesday night, I lead a Post-Abortion group for a few women for my internship. They are also very beautiful, and it's wonderful to watch them deal with the grief and loss that has come from their decisions. Our grief stories coincide in so many ways, and I am very thankful that I have a group that is as hard-working as they are for my first group as a therapist. There are probably other groups that I get to talk about certain things with, but those are the main ones that come to mind.

-Starbucks. I may not have worked there for almost 11 months now, and there are several new faces every time I drop by, but they still treat me like family. I love that and need that right now.

-The Pearl Church. This church will be 1 year old tomorrow, and I get to be there to celebrate it with them. Through the encouragement of a good friend, Maura, I have found a community that I can heal with and be transparent. They have no idea what a place to know others and be known is like for me right now. I am able to connect with the Lord again, and that is so healing.

So I'm grateful and thankful. For a lot. God has given me a lot of goodness to celebrate with others in. And I want that to come forward in the way that I present myself to others, the ways that I counsel, how I act at school with almost being done, and just who I am as a Christian. I have a lot to be thankful for. And those are my random thoughts for tonight. Thanks for reading along. And I'm thankful for each of you who takes time to read about my journey as well. Thank you for letting me put my thoughts out here and reading along!:)

Amy Christine

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