Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heal the wound but leave the scar

We're going to use a song next week for our group, and I've already listened to it about 100 times tonight alone. I usually don't like Christian music anymore, mostly because I've been able to connect with other forms of music that I feel as though God uses to minister to my spirit, and they are usually pretty cheesy. That said, when my supervisor told me who sang this song, I cringed and wrote it off. But it actually turned out to be awesome. I just continue to be amazed at how coinciding the post-abortion experiences of grief and my own story go together. This song is SO APPLICABLE to my own story of grief.

Point of Grace-- Heal the Wound
I used to wish that I could rewrite history
I used to dream that each mistake could be erased
Then I could just pretend
I never knew the me back then

I used to pray that You would take this shame away
Hide all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of
The place You brought me from
That keeps me on my knees
And even though I'm free

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar

I have not lived a life that boasts of anything
I don't take pride in what I bring
But I'll build an altar with
The rubble that You've found me in
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
And every stone will sing
Of what You can redeem

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar

Don't let me forget
Everything You've done for me
Don't let me forget
The beauty in the suffering

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar

I used to hate my scars. They represent so much pain, they are ugly, so much shame, and represent horrible memories in my past. I've hidden them, not wanting anyone to notice them. Connecting with my scars again and being proud of them and who they represent now seems like a distant dream, and yet, somehow attainable. It won't be easy, but that has been the last 20+ months. I have a picture framed in my room of when I was in a coma in the ICU with all the tubes and life support. A friend questioned the morbidity of it, but it is actually a reminder to me of His merciful provision in my life specifically. Thank you for sticking with me Lord and not giving up on me, through all of the ups and downs we have had together. Leave the scars after all. Make me proud of them somehow.
Amy Christine

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