Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ever since I was in the ICU, I have had this to go to bed with. He has been with me on several trips to MI and MN, and maybe a few others, but this memory is a little faulty these days. Through many fights, battles, tears, moments where I did not know what choice to make, days like today where I snuggled back into bed for a Sunday nap because it's snowing in April (mind you- I had flip flops on yesterday... this Colorado weather can't make up it's mind!), Happy has been there for me. I'm 30 years old, and still have a stuffed Zebra from my good friends Emily and Jenn all because the first hospital I was in wouldn't let us have flowers. Ever since, Happy has been by my side. It has a pierced ear now from the second hospital because I had a nurse who was about 5 foot tall as well and said that all good things come in short packages, so it's a little angel from her, and then one of the girls in the family that I lived with last year gave me a necklace so I gave it to Happy. Happy's stomach ripped open at some time, so I think my mom had to do "surgery". We've been through A LOT together, and anyone who says that a 30yr old needs to give up their stuff animals can shove it. That's what I have to say about that. You don't know the ---- I've been through. Happy provides me with a little comfort, which is more than I can say about just about anything else, and it's not causing anybody harm, like alcohol or drugs or something, so let me have my stuffed zebra. So Happy, this one goes out to you. I love you very much. Thanks for making all of the moves with me and sticking by my side (granted, I know, you didn't have a choice in the matter, but eh!). Can they make a 30 year old male version of you please now?

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