Thursday, April 14, 2011

A to the Men

This week has been blessed. Most weeks are, but this week has had several shining moments that are worth highlighting. It has been an emotional ROLLER coaster of a week. Laughing, crying, snow falling, not sure what else the weather is going to do outside and making havoc with my head (which is always so fun when you battle with migraines...)

I got to defend my answer for my Comps re-write this week and found out that in 30 days, I CAN GRADUATE from this program. 4 years of working my tail off for this degree, and now it's coming to an end and feels SO GOOD. Then I got to turn in my LAST graduate school paper. LAST paper. Last night I got to discuss one of my favorite authors of all time, Viktor Frankl (Man's search for meaning, seriously, check it out. Has changed my life!)

First I had my license but constant migraine pain when I started grad school in 2008, then I had the stroke in 2009 and had to relearn how to do everything and had no license (among other things), then I got the license back but with restrictions, then all the restrictions taken away, then the seizure and no license and back to the begging for rides and taking the bus everywhere, and today then I go my neurologists appointment, and she gives me the go ahead to get to driving again! With gas being like $3.50 a gallon, I probably will still be taking the bus as much as I can to save on the $$ since I still have no job and all, but the idea of not being a shut in and having freedom right now is breathtaking. Seriously, I couldn't have done this week especially without the love, prayers, and encouragement of my family, friends, and Downing House Community. So blessed. I said it to my friend Blake last night as we were talking about what I was going to share for my testimony when it's my turn to share my testimony for the group, and I'll say it again now because it bears repeating. GOD HAS CONTINUED TO PUT ME INTO CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES TO RECEIVE HIS LOVE. Not that I don't love being a nurturer, encouraging, praying and baking... but I really think that part of His grand design in all of this for the past 14+ years of us walking together has been to keep me in community to see HIM at work through others, as frustrating and human and broken as that can be sometimes with fallen humanity. But I love it. It's helped me to keep the faith and remember that there WILL be a purpose for this, even if I can't even see a glimpse of it right now. And that's okay. So with those great notes, I am off with my new insurance policy to pick up pills from the store and buy myself some ice cream. Because I'm worth it.
Amy Christine

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