Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I passed COMPS!

Something I have been worried about since starting this program is how I would do on this massive end exam we shorten to "Comps" for "Comprehensive Exams", because who even talks like that anyway? Anywhoo, so after the stroke when my memory was REALLY affected and I could barely on most days tell you what I ate for breakfast, the idea of RE-LEARNING 4 years worth of information in about a month, was well, daunting. It made me nauseous to be honest. Not that I love studying to begin with, but re-studying things that I had already learned because they were literally lost after 2 brain surgeries... yeah, vomit.

So then I learned a few weeks ago that I PASSED all but one section and had to retake it, and it was the Social/Cultural Foundations of counseling that I had to re-write. And I had to clarify a few of my answers to the person grading it as well today. So today I learned THAT I PASSED. God must have had favor on me (which, for some reason, not really sure why that same reasoning hasn't worked for the last 25+ months...), so in 32 days from today, I get to walk across that stage with my friends (many of them walk last May already, or have moved away), but I get to celebrate all that I have worked for for the last 4 years! And I turned in my LAST PAPER of my grad school career as well today, so I'm feeling pretty good right now.

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